How can I change my artwork after it's been submitted?

You'll want to be sure to proof your work carefully prior to placing your order since these could add additional costs to your project.

If you have not yet placed your order, you can delete files and replace them without incurring any costs or difficulty. Simply access the PDF upload page by logging into my account and clicking on the "complete this project" link. Go the Art section and then the submission method. Walk through to the upload page and delete the files that you no longer want. A new upload link will appear for you to upload the file.

If you have walked through check out and received a confirmation that the order has been placed, you will only be able to update your artwork if we have not yet begun working on your project. To update your artwork:

  • Navigate to our website
  • Click the 'My Account' or 'Login' link at the top of the page
  • Log in using your email address and password
  • Click the 'Update Artwork' button next to your current order
  • Follow the steps to upload the updated art
  • Review the new art supplied to us for accuracy
  • Once completed, be sure to click the 'Resubmit' button so we can begin working on your order

Please note: if we have already begun working on your project, you will need to contact our team to confirm that adjustments can be made. We often begin working on your order the moment it arrives, and depending on where we are in the process additional charges may apply. You will have to contact us to determine where you order is in production and what the next steps will be. This could add additional days to your production time.

After your project goes into the production phase, we are not able to change out the artwork without having to charge you to produce new printed files or discs since the artwork has already been prepped and sent to the presses.

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