Using our Templates with Adobe Photoshop

1. Open the Adobe Photoshop Template File

When you unzip the template package you received from us, you will notice that there are several different files inside. Many of our templates include a PSD file which is a native Photoshop file. You can simply double-click this PSD file and it will open into Photoshop. If there is not a PSD file available, you can use the PDF file. In Photoshop, select File > Open from the top menu and select the PDF. The Import PDF window will appear.

2. Import the PDF
This step is only required if you are using the PDF version of the template.
It is very important that your settings in the Import PDF window are as follows:
  • Crop To : Media Box
  • Anti-aliased : Checked On
  • Width & Height : (left as is)
  • Constrain Proportions : Checked On
  • Resolution : 300 pixels/inch
  • Mode : CMYK Color
  • Bit Depth : 8bit
After you check your settings click OK to continue.

3. View the Template
When you open the Template you will see one layer in the document:
  • Layer 1 - This layer is the content of the PDF Template you opened.
Very Important: Be sure that you do not design on the layer with the template guides!

4. Create or Import Your Artwork

There are 3 ways to add your design elements
  1. You can create artwork and text directly on the document using any of the many tools
  2. Place previously created image files on your canvas using the File > Place command in the top menu
  3. Import from your scanner or other device by selecting File > Import from the top menu
Very Important: Be sure that you do not flatten your template guides as part of your artwork, or they will print on your finished piece!

5. Place Your Artwork and Images

Place your artwork and images into the template. We recommend a resolution of 300dpi for all images.

Make sure:
  • Your background image is extended all the way to the blue Bleed line
  • All of your elements are aligned properly relative to the pink Trim and Fold lines
  • Critical elements such as text are within the green Safety lines
Working with Templates

6. Save Your File as a PDF

To save your file as a PDF just follow these simple steps!
  1. From the top menu, select File > Save as.... Making this selection will launch the Save As window.
  2. Within the Save As window, enter (or review) your file name and select a location on your computer. Select Photoshop PDF as your format, then click the Save button. Clicking this button will bring up the Save Adobe PDF window.
  3. Within the Save Adobe PDF window, select [PDF/X-4:2008] as your Adobe PDF preset, then click the Save PDF button. This will generate the PDF and save it to the location you specified.
  4. Upload this PDF to our website.


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