Once you have saved your design files in their native application format, you will need to export a PDF and upload it to us. We've put together some simple instructions and videos for you, showing you how to save your finished design files as production-ready PDF/X files in the various applications we accept. Following these instructions will ensure smooth processing and the best possible quality.
A very important note: Before you create your PDF, make sure that all guideline elements (the green, pink, and blue lines) are set to non-printing or moved to a background layer behind your art. This will prevent them from printing on your finished product.
Adobe InDesign
1. From the top menu, select "File > Adobe PDF Presets > [PDF/X-4:2008]". Making this selection will launch the Export window.
2. Within the Export window, enter (or review) your file name, select a location on your computer, and click the "Save" button. Clicking this button will bring up the Export Adobe PDF window.
3. Within the Export Adobe PDF window, click the "Export" button. This will generate the PDF and save it to the location you have selected. Upload this PDF to our website.
Adobe Illustrator
1. From the top menu, select File > Save As. Making this selection will launch the Save As window.
2. Within the Save As window, enter (or review) your file name and select a location on your computer, select "Adobe PDF" as your format and click the "Save" button. Clicking this button will bring up the Save Adobe PDF window.
3. Within the Save Adobe PDF window, select "[PDF/X-4:2008]" as your Adobe PDF preset, then click the "Save PDF" button. This will generate the PDF and save it to the location you have selected. Upload this PDF to our website.
NOTE: If this is your first time Saving a PDF/X from Illustrator, a window will pop up letting you know that "Saving as PDF/X may disable some editing features...". Assuming that you have already saved your design file in it's native and editable format as mentioned above, you can click "OK". If you have not yet saved your native file in its native format, we recommend that you do so before saving as a PDF.
Adobe Photoshop
1. From the top menu, select "File > Save As". Making this selection will launch the Save As window.
2. Within the Save As window, enter (or review) your file name and select a location on your computer, select "Photoshop PDF" as your format and click the "Save" button. Clicking this button will bring up the Save Adobe PDF window.
3. Within the Save Adobe PDF window, select "[PDF/X-4:2008]" as your Adobe PDF preset, then click the "Save PDF" button. This will generate the PDF and save it to the location you have selected. Upload this PDF to our website.
How to create a PDF from your layout file | Oasis Disc Manufacturing
1. From the top menu, select "File > Export > Layout As PDF". Making this selection will launch the Export As PDF window.
2. Within the Export As PDF window, enter (or review) your file name and select a location on your computer, select "[PDF/X-1a:2001]" as your PDF Style, then click the "Save" button. This will generate the PDF and save it to the location you have selected. Upload this PDF to our website.