Captions are added during the authoring process and differ from subtitles. Subtitles are used to display language translation whereas captions are used to display information for the deaf and hard of hearing. Captions can only be turned on and off via the TV and cannot be activated from the DVD menu. Captions will also not carry over HDMI cables used to connect HD TVs (RCA connections must be used to ensure compatibility). To ensure HDMI compatibility, SDH (subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing) can be used. SDH captions are activated from the menu or remote.
For standard captions, a properly formatted caption file from a subtitle/caption bureau is required. You may supply a properly formatted file or have us create one at an additional cost. Captions for DVD must be in a “.SCC” file created using the same video we will use for authoring. The same rules of frame rate listed in the section on subtitles apply.
*Blu-ray captions in the traditional sense are not available. A SDH subtitle file (subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing) must be utilized. For SDH subtitles follow the same guidelines outlined in the section on subtitles).
*Captions cannot be added to a finished master without disassembling the master and re-authoring. Additional charges apply.
*Our authoring software for DVD is DVD Studio Pro. Captions or SDH captions must be created to be compatible with that program. The same rules of frame rate listed in the section on subtitles apply. We utilize Scenarist for Blu-ray authoring. For SDH subtitles, the same rules listed in the section on Blu-ray subtitles apply.
*Roll-up vs Pop-on captions — there are two types of captions roll-up and pop-on. Roll-up captions “roll” up from the bottom of the screen like movie credits. Each subsequent block of captions roll up pushing the previous text off the screen. Pop-on captions appear to pop on the screen in one solid block, with the next block of captions popping over and replacing the previous.
*Captions appear in a black box over the video.